
Where's Jesus?

No, this is not a rampage against the materialistic evils of America at Christmastime. I just want to write about my dream.

Last night I dreamt that I was at a conference. I was going to seminars, meeting people, and making friends with the gas station attendant (she hated my guts to begin with).

Well, we had a central location at a cabin in the woods (I guess this was all at a retreat center and the surrounding few miles). Jesus was with us. I don't remember what he looked like, or that there was anything particularly wierd about him being with us. But we all remembered him leaving.

We were going back to the cabin one day, running. When we got there, I kind of ran ahead of everyone through the house. I was looking for Jesus, because I just had this premonition that he was gone. Sure enough, I couldn't find him, so when I got back to the others I said, "Where's Jesus?"

Then someone pointed at me and said, "There he is."

Profound. Sometimes my dreams hold simple and great spiritual truths (sometimes my dreams are just retarded and they don't make any sense). Jesus is only kind of gone. I see him in you, and hopefully you see him in me.


rod said...

I definitely see him in you.

Anonymous said...

yep ditto.

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