

Today I am sick. I've had a fever for the past three nights, with last night's getting up to record high 102.6. It's wierd, though, because I've been fine during the day. I even went recording yesterday, and everything seemed fine. It's kind of freaky. Maybe I have like a disease or something. I sat with this guy on one of my plane rides home, and I ate some of his sweet bread. You know how your mom always told you not to accept food from strangers? Well, maybe that's why I'm sick. Oh well, I just hope I'm well enough to go to work tomorrow.


rod said...

i'm sorry you're not well vivo.
sleep hard and get strong again.
we missed you this morning.

Chris Kirk said...

It's always the sweet bread! I hope you feel better.

Anonymous said...

Jess told me you were sick. And I shared a drink with you on Sat. Oh well.

Ryan Lee Sharp said...

Hey yo. Great to meet you in NM. Hope to see you if we get into Columbia this fall. We shall see. Talk soon.

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