

So, I might have malaria. They can't figure out what's wrong with me, so finally my mom decided to come be with me and fight the doctors and look up stuff online. We'll see. That would be just peachy. I go to the doctor tomorrow to find out. Hopefully they'll have some answers. On the bright side, the last record of people dying in the US from malaria was in 1995, and all six of them waited a very long time to get treatment. I think I won't die, yet. But I am still left at home to ponder the finer things of life...

For starters, I think the word "devotions" and words "quiet time" are a bit stuffy. Personally, I haven't had one in two weeks. Gasp! I'm actually not sure myself how I feel about that, coming from my evangelical background. What does spending time with Jesus look like? I think it's gotta be some concentrated time with him, but it can't be a certain quota. And, what about all the other time in my life? Is that not spending time with Jesus also?


rod said...

I'm praying for you las vegas. Get lots of rest.

Chris Kirk said...

Wow! I'll definately be praying for you as you visit the doctors. Take care.

Anonymous said...

I think our lives are spent hanging out with Jesus, but just like a good friend we need to have one on one time with Him. Otherwise we both get jipped. Does that make sense?

Anonymous said...

btw...call me after your appointment. Luvs.

Anonymous said...

I'll keep you in my conversation with God regarding the whole Malaria thing.

BTW. living a life of devotion (what ever that looks like.)is always better than having devotions.

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