
Christian Radio = Caedmon's Call

I hate to be a generalist, but I've noticed something about Christian radio. I

wasn't sure why I had been conditioned to expect to hear Caedmon's Call every time I turned on the radio.

And then I realized it's because I do hear them every time I turn on the radio. I literally turned to WCSG (or whatever it is here), and there they were. At first I didn't think it was them, thinking it was just a wannabe Caedmon's band, but the announcer proved me wrong. It was one of their new ones ;)

I just think it's ironic, considering CC's roots. They started off as the cool college band (even before I got into them in late high school). They were kind of fringe. Now, they're mainstream Christian easy listening. How did this happen?

On a side note, I heard the local GR Christian radio station talking about an interview with Laura Storey the other day. I thought that was cool.

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