
It's getting close

Ian and I are going soon to give our apartment complex a month's notice that we'll be moving out. Yep, it's getting close. We're planning on making the trip to MI around May 16th. I'm about to start the process of exit paperwork at CIU, and we're starting to sell off our furniture-stuff. It's a reality.

You know, I didn't think I'd last this long in SC. When I came here, I was planning on staying for a year (ONE year) and getting my Bible Certificate. Well, one year turned into 2 years, turned into 4 years, turned into the present 6 years plus a marriage, plus a BS in Music, plus a lot of changes in my thinking. And, I wouldn't have guessed that after spending 6 years in SC I would move to MI. I'm excited about moving, but realizing it's going to mean all that instability all over again that automatically comes with a move. I think I've got it easier this time though. When I came to SC, I didn't know A SOUL. Where I'm going to this time, I know my husband (at least I think I do :), my new parents, and some of my husband's friends and extended family. That's a whole heck of a lot better than the last couple of moves I've made. I have to warn you all, I am horrible at keeping in touch with people I can't see. But, I believe I will continue to blog, at least (if I can keep up with that!).

Anyways, enough rambling about what's actually going on in my life. I don't have anything clever to say today, so I'm going to do some work now...


Anonymous said...

Vive, I can't believe you guys are moving...too wierd. Anyway, I know what you mean about being bad at keeping up...clearly, so am I. I hope you are well...oh, do you know how I could order a few prints of your wedding pictures? There were a couple with you and I that I really liked. Let me know, my friend! Miss you!!

Anonymous said...

p.s.-that message is from Lo

Peter said...

You guys rock. Seriously, you're one of my favorite couples that I know. Keep the blog updated, and possibly make a Facebook as well - then it would be easier to keep up with.

Ashley said...

yep I'm horrible at keep up as well, but I love email and blogging. We'll make it.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO glad I was able to see you & Ian before you left. I'd really like a copy of your CD, if you have any left. Send me the address, and I'll include shipping.
~ Sarah ~

Ashley said...

I need an an update? How the heck are you guys doing...

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